A groundbreaking book at the intersection of health and economics, revealing the hidden side of medicine and how unexpected—but predictable—events can profoundly affect our health. Why do kids born in the summer get diagnosed more often with A.D.H.D.? How are marathons harmful for your health, even when you’re not running? What do surgeons and salesmen have in common? Which annual event made people 30 percent more likely to get COVID-19?
As a University of Chicago–trained economist and Harvard medical school professor and doctor, Anupam Jena is uniquely equipped to answer these questions. And as a critical care doctor at Massachusetts General who researches health care policy, Christopher Worsham confronts their impact on the hospital’s sickest patients. In this singular work of science and medicine, Jena and Worsham show us how medicine really works, and its effect on all of us.

Relying on ingeniously devised natural experiments—random events that unknowingly turn us into experimental subjects—Jena and Worsham do more than offer readers colorful stories. They help us see the way our health is shaped by forces invisible to the untrained eye. Is there ever a good time to have a heart attack? Do you choose the veteran doctor or the rookie?  Do you really need the surgery your doctor recommends? These questions are rife with significance; their impact can be life changing. Addressing them in a style that’s both animated and enlightening, Random Acts of Medicine empowers you to see past the white coat and find out what really makes medicine work—and how it could work better.


Thanks to Doubleday Books for this review copy! Authors Anupam B. Jena and Christopher Worsham have collaborated on a fascinating and eye-opening book at the intersection of health and economics.  The book explores the surprising and often counterintuitive ways that medicine works. The authors, both doctors and researchers at Harvard Medical School, use natural experiments—random events that create natural comparisons among people—to reveal the hidden factors that influence our health outcomes.

Jena and Worsham look at medicine from a few different angles, including the role of chance and luck, the power of natural experiments, and the future of healthcare. Jena and Worsham do an excellent job of explaining complex concepts in a way that is easy to understand.

The book is divided into three parts: “The Hidden Side of Medicine,” “The Power of Natural Experiments,” and “The Future of Medicine.” In the first part, Jena and Worsham explore the ways in which chance and luck play a role in our health. They discuss how our birthdate, our zip code, and even our name can all influence our health outcomes.

In the second part of the book, Jena and Worsham introduce the concept of natural experiments. Natural experiments are events that happen outside of a doctor’s control, but which can be used to learn about the effects of different medical treatments or interventions. For example, Jena and Worsham discuss how the introduction of a new drug can be used to study the effects of that drug on a population of patients.

In the third part of the book, Jena and Worsham look at the future of medicine. They discuss how the rise of big data and artificial intelligence is changing the way we understand and treat disease. They also discuss the challenges that we face in making sure that everyone has access to high-quality healthcare.

For example, they show how kids born in the summer are more likely to be diagnosed with ADHD, how marathons can harm your health even if you don’t run, how surgeons and salesmen have similar incentives, and how an annual event made people 30 percent more likely to get COVID-19. The book is full of intriguing stories and insights that challenge our assumptions and make us think differently about medicine and health care.

The book is also written in a clear and engaging style that makes it accessible and enjoyable for anyone interested in learning more about the science and economics of medicine. The authors combine rigorous research with personal anecdotes and humor to illustrate their points and keep the reader hooked. They also offer practical advice on how to make better decisions for ourselves and our loved ones when it comes to our health. One caveat: I felt the book was a bit long. I think it could have been shorter without losing any of the valuable information.

Random Acts of Medicine is an informative read for anyone who wants to understand how medicine really works, and how it could work better. It will make you smarter, healthier, and more informed about one of the most important aspects of our lives. I recommend it to anyone who is interested in learning more about the hidden side of medicine, the power of natural experiments, and the future of healthcare.

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